Steamed Bun with Yuzu 柚子蒸しパン [Recipes, Winter 冬レシピ]
日本語のレシピは ビーガン、ベジタリアン情報満載の Hachidory から ご覧下さい。
Isn't it beautiful ?
I have been enjoying those fantastic view for a week.
What a luxsuary !
When the autumn foliage reflects on the lake in the morning, it is breathtaking !
I cannot resist visiting there in early morning everyday these days, when the air is still cold as everything look most beautiful in the morning.
They change their looks as the time passes.
There are lots of Sakura trees here, so the spring here is also beautiful.
But I would say the autumn foliage looks even more splendid.
The morning here is already cold and I always want something hot to keep myself warm.
So I am going to share one of the recipes which cheers me up on cold days.
It is “Yuzu Mushipan” / “Steamed Bun with Yuzu Lemon”
Steaming is the cooking method which is common in Asian cuisine.
I would say the baking is a water depriving cooking, whereas the steaming is a water adding cooking.
Therefore the food cooked by steaming is moist and gentle compared with baking.
I consider this way of cooking is more suitable for me during winter season as it is cold and the air is very dry in where I live.
If you also live in the similar climate, I recommend you to add this cooking method frequently to your cooking.