
Vegan Blueberry Ice Cream [Rcipes, Summer 夏レシピ]

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Hop Hop Ju~mp, 

Hop Hop, Ju~mp,

The grasshoppers are jumping everywhere on my walking path these days.

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They are great athletes!


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How fun it would be if I could jump like them !



 In this bush of grasses, I wonder how many grass hoppers are hiding.



I wonder if the the grasshoppers also love the morning dew...


The morning sun is reflecting on the water of the rice paddy field.

Beautiful !

Charming !

Exquisit !

The first thing I do after returning home from my morning walk is to open the sliding shutters and windows.

What often greets me there is a praying mantis !



The praying mantises do not try to escape from me like grasshoppers do, they keep staying there and change the angles of their faces and antennas towards me, and look at me as if they are trying to understand what I am saying.



When the summer is ending and a cool breeze is felt on the skin, they often come into my home, and we become like a family.

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I think we have a kind of connection that rooted in us.


Another insect staying at my home is the spiders.

Oh, No !? 

You may be imagining the long legged big ones.

But the spiders staying at my home are all tiny, cute ones.


It seems that they have their favorite places or their territories, I see each of them in the designated same spot.  

They also seem to like my voice.

Those insects add the colors into my life during summer, though some of the insects such as cock roaches, centipedes and mosquitoes are not welcome, and they are taken out to the outside. 

However even those insects except centipedes can stay at my home when the summer ended.

When I see their movements are slow, I reckon their lives are towards the end. 

I feel like being kind to them.

Every year one mosque survives somehow until the early winter.
She cannot fly quickly anymore and flies slowly within my eye site.  

Then, I want to cheer her up, and prepare a slice of apple or the tiny portion of syrup on a plate.  

Then she perches on the edges of the plate and starts sipping them slowly.

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The same kind of thing happened with some of the cockroaches before.

When it happened for the first time, it was really an unexpected heartwarming experience for me, so I made a nonfiction Kamishibai story based on these incidents.

I recorded videos and took some photos of them and of me and them together, but I do not dare to show those photos here as I know most of the people do not want to see them.

(In fact I was one of them until I had these incidents happened to me one day.) 

Insects are also one of the creatures on this planet.

They are also living in this world just like we are.

We need to live with them in harmony.

We should never look down on them.


Now I move to the recipe of this month.

It’s been extremely hot here in Japan.

So this month recipe must be something that can relieve this crazy heat.


That is Ice cream!

Vegan Blueberry Ice Cream !!


Here you go !



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